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Smolenice castle, Slovakia, 18-28 August 2014
MON 18/8 |
TUE 19/8 |
WED 20/8 |
THU 21/8 |
FRI 22/8 |
SAT 23/8 |
SUN 24/8 |
MON 25/8 |
TUE 26/8 |
WED 27/8 |
THU 28/8 |
08:00-09:00 |
09:00-10:00 |
Datta* |
Datta* |
Datta* |
Reichardt? |
Schuch |
Schuch |
Schuch |
Nagaj |
Renner |
10:00-10:15 |
L |
10:15-11:15 |
Banaszek |
Banaszek |
Banaszek |
Werner |
Werner |
Werner |
Renner |
Renner |
Nagaj |
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11:15-11:30 |
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A |
11:30-12:30 |
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Hillery |
Hillery |
Hillery |
Guhne |
Guhne |
Guhne |
Colbeck |
Colbeck |
Colbeck |
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12:30-14:00 |
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15:00-16:00 |
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Hillery |
Nagaj |
Werner |
Reichardt |
Nagaj |
Renner |
Colbeck |
16:00-16:30 |
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16:30-17:30 |
V |
Datta |
Baggott |
Reichardt |
Reichardt |
Kiesel |
17:30-17:45 |
A |
17:45-18:45 |
Banaszek |
Guhne |
Schuch |
19:00-20:00 |
*- lecture starts 8:30
red - lectures, orange - colloquium talks, yellow - problem solving session, green - seminars by students
- Nilanjana Datta: Role of entropies in quantum communication
| part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | problems |
- Konrad Banaszek: Introduction to quantum optics
- Mark Hillery: Quantum nonlinear optics
- Daniel Nagaj: Quantum walks: searching, scattering and computing
| problems |
The goal of this lecture series is to get a basic grasp of coined, scattering and continuous-time quantum walks, and how they can be used for algorithmic purposes (search, graph traversal, game evaluation). We will conclude with the results about universality of quantum computation by quantum walk.
- Reinhard Werner: Quantum walks
After some basic examples I will give a classification of one-dimensional quantum walks by their local implementability and homotopy equivalence, summarized in a single number, the index. I will then look at the asymptotic behavior of translation invariant walks, and describe how this is modified by local defects and different types of decoherence. A particular kind of non-translation invariant perturbation is turning on an electric field, and I will show an extreme sensitivity of the asymptotic behavior on the field parameter. I will then turn to the classification of walks with discrete symmetries resulting in a new kind of index theory proving so-called bulk-edge correspondence of topological phases.
- Otfried Guehne: Characterizing Quantum Entanglement
- Ben Reichardt: Quantum error-correction methods | part 1 | part 2 |
- Norbert Schuch: Quantum Entanglement in Many-Body Systems
In this lecture, I will discuss realistic quantum many-body systems. I will explain why their entanglement properties make them very special, and how this can help us to understand and simulate these systems.
- Renato Renner: Quantum thermodynamics
- Roger Colbeck: Quantum cryptography
POSTER SESSION Details will be given during the school.
WELCOME DINNER Monday, 19:00
RECEPTION Thursday, 19:00
CONFERENCE DINNER Saturday, 19:00 (barbeque and bier)
GOOD-BYE RECEPTION Wednesday, 19:00 (wine tasting)
CONFERENCE TRIP Saturday, 14:00-18:30
Visit of the cave plus an optional hike. On Saturday
we will go to see the nearby
cave called Driny
Please keep in mind that temperature inside is around 280
Kelvins (quite nice place during the hot summer days :-))
After that we plan to make an optional hike to
heighest mountain of that area (only 767 m above the sea, approx 6 km walk),
or at least walk back to the castle (approx 2.5 km walk). It is
not difficult, but please bring some sport shoes at least.