Mgr. Peter Rapčan, PhD
Position: senior researcher
E-mail: peter.rapcan@savba.sk
Tel. (+421 2) 20910706
Office 106
Personal webpage: http://quantum.physics.sk/
Dokumenty k aplikácii na Schwarzov fond
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Životopis SK (pdf)
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Potvrdenie o udelení vedeckej hodnosti (pdf)
Projektový zámer (pdf)
Separát 1 (pdf)
Separát 2 (pdf)
Odporúčanie (doc)
List of publications
- Andre M. C. Souza, Peter Rapčan, Constantino Tsallis:
Area-law-like systems with entangled states can preserve ergodicity | pdf |
Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. 229, 759–772 (2020) [arXiv:1707.08527]
- Gabriele Sicuro, Peter Rapčan, Constantino Tsallis:
Nonlinear inhomogeneous Fokker-Planck equations: entropy and free-energy time evolution
Physical Review E 94, 062117 (2016) [arXiv:1609.05980]
- Vladimír Buek, Peter Rapčan, Jochen Rau, Mário Ziman:
Direct estimation of decoherence rates | pdf |
Phys. Rev. A 86, 052109 (2012) [arXiv:1207.3053]
- Peter Rapčan, John Calsamiglia, Ramon Muñoz-Tapia, Emili Bagan and Vladimír Buek:
Scavenging quantum information: Multiple observations of quantum systems
Phys. Rev. A 84, 032326 (2011)
- Stefano Olivares, Michal Sedlák, Peter Rapčan, Matteo G. A. Paris, Vladimír Buek:
Optimal unambiguous comparison of two unknown squeezed vacua
Phys. Rev. A 83, 012313 (2011) [arXiv:1010.2937]
- Peter Rapčan, John Calsamiglia, Ramon Muñoz-Tapia, Emili Bagan and Vladimír Buek:
Recycling of qubits
Physica Scripta 014059 (2010)
- Matyas Koniorczyk, Arpad Varga, Peter Rapčan and Vladimír Buek:
Quantum homogenization and state randomization in semi-quantal spin systems. | pdf |
Phys.Rev.A 77,052106 (2008) [arXiv:0712.2136]
- Matyas Koniorczyk, Peter Rapčan, Vladimír Buek:
Direct versus measurement assisted bipartite entanglement in multi-qubit systems and their dynamical generation in spin systems | pdf |
Phys.Rev.A 72, 022321 (2005), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0503133
Submitted- Roman Krčmár, Andrej Gendiar, Peter Rapčan, Tomotoshi Nishino:
Phase transition of the four-dimensional cross-polytope model
- Roman Krčmár, Mária Zelenayová, Libor Caha, Peter Rapčan, Tomotoshi Nishino, Andrej Gendiar:
Quantum Potts Models on the Sierpiński Pyramid
Unpublished- P.Rapčan, J.Calsamiglia, R.Munoz-Tapia, E.Bagan and V.Buek:
Recycling of quantum information: Multiple observations of quantum systems