G R O U P   S T R U C T U R E
Research Center for Quantum Information
Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Dúbravská cesta 9, 84511 Bratislava, Slovakia
Tel: (+421 +2) 20910701
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ORCID GScholar Djeylan Aktas

Denis Kochan ORCID GScholar
ORCID GScholar Andrej Gendiar
Mario Ziman ORCID GScholar
  11.09.2024 Job positions
Postdoc vacations
We are opening several positions for researchers experienced in quantum information science. If interested in quantum foundations, quantum communication, experimental quantum photonics, quantum simulations, quantum thermodynamics, or theoretical quantum superconductivity, pls send your CV and research statement to mario.ziman@savba.sk ideally before end of September. The income is between 2000-3500 eur (before taxation) depending on your expertise and also source of funding (Schwarz stipend ΞΞΞ, IPSAS fellowship ΞΞΞ, fellowqute ΞΞΞ, and various internal projects). Feel free to contact any of our key researchers to learn about their research interests. Successful applicants are expected to start in January 2025 and with duration between 12-36 months.
  07.08.2024 Event
Summer school 2024: Quantum Technologies
Under the umbrella of national quantum platform QUTE.sk our skQCI team is organizing hands-on summer schools on quantum technologies for interested students (high-school, or university) and curious non-specialists. The program will be accessible for anybody with high-school physics, math and informatics background and open-minded to learn basic tools, language and features of quantum technologies. More information is available at qute.sk website. https://qute.sk/portfolio/summer-school-2024-quantum-technologies/ Please register and join this quantum adventure. We are looking forward to meet you there.
Time: August 19-23, 2024
Place: Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, Mlynská dolina, Bratislava
  12.07.2024 workshop
Time in Quantum Theory 2024
TiQT 2024 is the fourth annual edition of Time in Quantum Theory, this year held in beautiful Slovakia. The organisation is coordinated by Natalia S. Moller. The conference aims to bring together disparate communities, providing a common platform to discuss questions including:
- Fundamental limitations to time keeping
- Foundational aspects of time
- How can we understand time through quantum experiments?
Place: Smolenice Castle, Slovakia
Time: September 10 - 13th, 2024
Web: http://quantum.physics.sk/tiqt2024/
  09.07.2024 event
Visit from Brasilia
During his friendly visit of Institute of Physics Gabriel Boff Moreira (Brasilian embasador) visited also our laboratories. We enjoyed this event a lot. Related qute story again.
  30.06.2024 Interview
For a long time his research is senseless, but ... he is at RCQI now.
Our PhD student Matej gave an inspiring interview for Slovak online medium aktuality.sk entitled "Our research does not make sense for a long. Then breakthrough discovery comes, says Slovak from University of Cambridge". Luckily, Matej is now at RCQI, where research makes sense ... Okay, at least we try. Read the original interview by Michaela Paulovič HΞRΞ (In Slovak, access required).
  15.06.2024 Students
Students Interships Program 2024 at RCQI
Interested to experience the research combined with summer? Do not hesitate to contact group leaders to learn possibilities and availability. We are looking forward for students interested in quantum theory foundations and technologies. The length of internships depends on the intensity, but ideally reserve at least four weeks (4 hours/day) between June and September.

List of interns
Vadym Shydkyi (M. Ziman) - quantum superposition
Dorota Porubská (A. Gendiar) - entanglement of many-body systems
Jakub Ulík (A. Gendiar) -
Gabriela Kotúčová (D. Aktas) - entangled photons
  15.06.2024 Award
Congratulations to Natalia Salome Moller
We are proud to inform that Natalia received the L’Oréal – UNESCO For Women in Science Award ... ta daa!
Watch related youtube video ΞΞΞΞ and qute story.
S E M I N A R S | more |
17/06 11:00
Alessandro Bisio (Pavia)
Quantum simulation of scattering processes
V I S I T O R S | history |

26.06-26.07 Che-Pin Hsu (Department of Physics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan), *mobiQUTE
26.06-26.07 Wun-Hao Kang (Department of Physics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan), *mobiQUTE
03.07-12.07 João Victor Ferreira Alves (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)
08.07-22.07 Vadym Shvydkyi (student)
19.08-13.09 Manuel Schneider (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan) , *mobiQUTE

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