Fundamental Concepts of Quantum Thermodynamics
Lecturer: Hamed Mohammady
Time: November-December 2019,
Place: RCQI seminar room, Institute of Physics, Dubravska cesta 9, Bratislava
  1. 13/12 10:30 Quantum Maxwell's Daemon
  2. 27/11 11:00 Stochastic quantum thermodynamics
  3. 19/11 11:00 Entropy, heat, and work in open systems
  4. 08/11 10:30 Work in closed quantum systems
  Quantum combs: General theory and applications
Lecturer: Michal Sedlak
Time: 18/03/2019-29/03/2019
Place: RCQI seminar room, Institute of Physics, Dubravska cesta 9, Bratislava
  1. 18/03 10:00
  2. 20/03 09:00
  3. 22/03 10:00
  4. 25/03 10:00
  5. 27/03 10:00
  6. 29/03 10:00
  Introduction to mezoscopic transport
Lecturer: Prof. Jaroslav Fabián (University of Regensburg)
Time: 3.3.-14.3.2008, 10:00-11:30 (daily)
Place: FMFI UK, F1-326, Mlynská dolina, Bratislava
Program: | download announcement |
  1. Two-dimensional electron gases avi |"); } ?>
  2. Quantum point contacts
  3. Landauer-Buttiker formalism
  4. Mutlichannel transport and integer QHE
  5. S-matrix formalism
  6. Green's functions and Fischer-Lee relations
  7. Kubo formalism for linear quantum transport
  8. Feynman diagrams in disordered systems
  9. Drude formula and diffusons
  10. Weak localization and cooperons
| Lecture's website |
  Lectures on advanced quantum theory
Lecturers: Teiko Heinonen, Mario Ziman
Time: October-December 2007, 10:30-12:00 Thursdays
Place: RCQI seminar room, Institute of Physics, Dubravska cesta 9, Bratislava
  1. Hilbert space formalism (TH)
  2. Convex structure of states (MZ)
  3. Observables (TH)
  4. Operations (MZ)
  5. Instruments (TH)
  6. Time dynamics (MZ)
| Lecture's Guide |